Raymond E. Feist, Krondor: Tear of the Gods
Raymond E. Feist and Joel Rosenberg, Murder at LaMut
Raymond E. Feist and Steve Stirling, Jimmy the Hand
Legends of the Riftwar
Catherine Fisher, The Lammas Field
David Gemmell, Stormrider
A Novel of the Rigante
Stella Gemmell, The Immortal Throne
A Novel of The City
Mary Gentle, Ilario. The Lion's Eye
Mary Gentle, Rats and Gargoyles
Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows
James Gurney, Dinotopia Deluxe
James Gurney, Dinosaur Parade. Dinotopia
James Gurney, Dinosaur Olympics. Dinotopia
Peter Higgins, Truth and Fear
Wolfhound Century 2
William Horwood, Duncton Tales
C.F. Iggulden, Darien: Empire of Salt
C.F. Iggulden, Shiang: Empire of Salt
Book 2
Erika Johansen, The Invasion of the Tearling
The Queen of the Tearling, book 2
Stephen Jones (ed.), Secret City: Strange Tales of London
1997 World Fantasy Convention Souvenir Book
Robert Jordan, Knife of Dreams
Wheel of Time 11
Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson, Towers of Midnight
The Wheel of Time, volume 13
Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson, A Memory of Light
The Wheel of Time 14
Katharine Kerr, A Time of Exile
Book One of the Westlands Cycle
Katharine Kerr, The Gold Falcon
Book Four of The Dragon Mage
Katharine Kerr, The Spirit Stone
The Silver Wyrm, book 2
Rudyard Kipling, The Jungle Book and Just So Stories
Folio Society, 2004
Katherine Kurtz, The King's Justice
The Histories of King Kelson, volume 2
Mercedes Lackey, Foundation
The Collegium Chronicles, volume 1
Tim Lebbon, Fallen
A novel of Noreela
Fonda Lee, Jade City
The Green Bone Saga, book 1
Anne Leonard, Moth and Spark
Uncorrected Proof Copy
C.S. Lewis, The Complete Chronicles of Narnia (paperbacks)
C.S. Lewis, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Colin Duriez, A Field Guide to Narnia
Colin Duriez, The C.S. Lewis Chronicles
The indispensible biography of the creator of Narnia. Full of little-known facts, events and miscellany
Michael Gerber, The Chronicles of Blanria
A spaceship landed on Earth
Tom Lloyd, The Stormcaller
Tom Lloyd, The Twilight Herald
The Twilight Reign: book 2
Tom Lloyd, Moon's Artifice
Tom Lloyd, Old Man's Ghosts
Scott Lynch, The Republic of Thieves
Book Three of the Genteman Bastard sequence
R.A. MacAvoy, King of the Dead
Lens of the World, book 2
John Marco, The Eyes of God
A picture chronology of man in space exploration
John Marco, The Devil's Armour
John Marco, The Sword of Angels
Juliet E. McKenna, The Thief´s Gamble
The First Tale of Einarinn
Karen MIller, The Falcon Throne
The Tarnished Crown, book 1
Keith Miller, The Book of Flying