The Mabinogion. Folio Soiety, 1980
British Myths and Legends. Folio Society
Folk Tales of the British Isles
Margaret Barker, Engel
Himmlische Boten in Kunst und Religion
Julian Glover, Beowulf
Sutton, 2005
Howell D. Chickering (ed.), Beowulf
A dual-language edition
Seamus Heaney, Beowulf. A New Translation.
Robert Graves, The Siege and Fall of Troy
Folio Society, 2005
W. Waetzoldt, Dürer and His Time
T.C.W. Blanning (ed.), The Oxford Illustrated History of Modern Europe
Phyllis Deane, The First Industrial Revolution
John Ellis, One Day in a Very Long War
Wednesday 25th October 1944
Frank Fehmers (ed.), The $24 Bargain
Holland and America. 200 Years of Friendship
O.M. Gurney, The Hittites
Roger Hudson (ed.), The Jubilee Years. 1887-1897
Roger Hudson (ed.), London. Portrait of a city
Roger Hudson, The Folio Books of Days
T.G.H. James, Egypt Revealed
Artist-Travellers in an Antique Land
Gavin Lyall (ed.), The War in the Air
An Anthology of Personal Experience during WWII
Viktor Nekrasov, Both Sides of the Ocean
A Russian writer's travels in Italy and the US
Geoffrey Parker (ed.), The Times Atlas of World History
Second compact edition
William R. Rock, British Appeasement in the 1930's
H.W.F. Saggs, The Babylonians
Daphne I. Stroud, Magna Carta
Rayner Unwin, A Winter Away From Home
William Barents and the North-east Passage
Hywel Williams, Cassell's Chronology of World History
Dates, events and ideas that made history
C. Vann Woodward, The Strange Career of Jim Crow
2001 Standard Catalog of World Coins
28th edition
J.R.S. Whiting, Commemorative Medals
Medallic History of Britain from Tudor Times to the Present Day
R.S. Yeoman, A Guide Book of United States Coins
Matthias Mende, Dürer-Medaillen
Münzen, Medaillen, Plaketten von Dürer, auf Dürer, nach Dürer
Bernhart/Kroha, Medaillen und Plaketten
Ein handbuch für sammler und liefhaber. Band 1
Barry Millington (ed.), The Wagner Companion
A Guide to Wagner's Life and Music