Diana Glyer, The Company They Keep
C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien as Writers in Community
Diana Glyer (ed.), Journey Back Again
Reasons to Revisit Middle-earth
William H. Green, The Hobbit: A Journey into Maturity
A Reader's Companion
Lykke Guanio, Ethics and Form in Fantasy Literature
Tolkien, Rowling and Meyer
Michael Haldas, Echoes of Truth
Christianity in The Lord of the Rings
Wayne Hammond & Christina Scull (ed.), The Lord of the Rings 1954-2004
Scholarship in Honor of Richard E. Blackwelder
Gene Hardy, Cliff Notes on Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit
David Harvey, The Song of Middle-earth (paperback)
JRR Tolkien's Themes, Symbols and Myths
Trevor Hart (ed.), Tree of Tales
Tolkien, Literature and Theology
Randal Helms, Tolkien's World (HoM)
Myth, Magic and Meaning
Randal Helms, Tolkien's World (Thames and Hudson)
Myth, Magic and Meaning
Randal Helms, Tolkien's World (paperback)
Myth, Magic and Meaning
Mark T. Hooker, The Hobbitonian Anthology
of articles about JRR Tolkien and his legendarium
Mark T. Hooker, The Tolkienaeum
Essays of JRR Tolkien and his Legendarium
Mark T. Hooker, Tolkien Through Russian Eyes
Walking Tree, 2003
Mark T. Hooker, Iter Tolkienensis
A Tolkiennymical Road Trip from Buckland (Worcestershire) to The Ivy Bush (Carmarthen, Wales)
Grant Hudson, The Hobbit Project Student Workbook
Neil Isaacs and Rose Zimbardo (ed.), Tolkien and the Critics (1968)
Essays on JRR Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings
Neil Isaacs and Rose Zimbardo (ed.), Tolkien and the Critics (1969)
Essays on JRR Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings
Rosemary Jackson, Fantasy: The Literature of Subversion
Kate Jones, Favourite Writers. Londen, 2000
Leslie Ellen Jones, Myth and Middle-earth
Exploring the Legend Behind The Lord of the Rings
Douglas Charles Kane, Arda Reconstructed
Clyde S. Kilby, A Well of Wonder
Essays on C.S. Lewis, JRR Tolkien, and the Inklings
Edouard J. Kloczko (ed.), Tolkien en France. Source Fantastique, 1998
Paul H. Kocher, Master of Middle-earth (HoM)
The Achievement of JRR Tolkien
Paul H. Kocher, Master of Middle-earth (Thames)
The Achievement of JRR Tolkien
Paul H. Kocher, Master of Middle-earth
The Achievement of JRR Tolkien
Jyrki Korpua, The Mythopoeic Code of Tolkien
A Christian Platonic Reading of the Legendarium
Katie de Koster, Readings on J.R.R. Tolkien
San Diego, 2000
Katie de Koster, Readings on J.R.R. Tolkien (paperback)
San Diego, 2000
Lee/Solopova, The Keys of Middle-earth
Discovering medieval literature through the fiction of JRR Tolkien
Lehoucq (ed.), The Science of Middle-earth
A New Understanding of Tolkien and His World
Janice Liedl, The Hobbit and History
The unofficial movie tie-in to The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies
Jared Lobdell (ed), A Tolkien Compass (1975)
Jared Lobdell (ed), A Tolkien Compass (2003)
Jared Lobdell, England and Always
Tolkien's World of the Rings
Jared Lobdell, The World of the Rings.
Language, Religion and Adventure in Tolkien
Jared Lobdell, The Rise of Tolkienian Fantasy
Emilia Lodigiani, Invito alla lettura di Tolkien
Helen M. Luke, The Laughter at the Heart of Things
Shawn Marchese and Alan Sisto, Why We Love Middle-earth
An Enthusiast's Book about Tolkien, Middle-earth and the LOTR Fandom
Louis Markos, On the Shoulders of Hobbits
The Road to Virtue with Tolkien and Lewis
Richard Mathews, Lightning from a Clear Sky
Tolkien, The Trilogy, and The Silmarillion
Richard Mathews, Fantasy. The Liberation of Imagination
Routledge, 2002
Edward McFadden, Deconstructing Tolkien
A Fundamental Analysis of The Lord of the Rings
Jonathan McIntosh, The Flame Imperisable
Tolkien, St.Thomas, and the Metaphysics of Faërie
Minas Tirith, Dicembre 2008
Rivista della Societa Tolkieniana Italiana