
Note that there are also studies in the other sections. For instance the Walking Tree publications are in the "Books about Tolkien - Societies publications" section.
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Richard Abanes, Harry Potter, Narnia and The Lord of the Rings

What You Need to Know About Fantasy Books and Movies
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Sarah Arthur, Walking with Frodo

A devotional journey through The Lord of the Rings
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Sarah Arthur, Walking with Bilbo

A devotional adventure through The Hobbit
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Ted Baehr and Tom Snyder, Frodo & Harry. Crossway, 2003

Understanding visual media and it impact on our lives
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DeeDee Baldwin (ed.), Parma Eruseen

The Essay Collection 2003-2005
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Stanley P. Baldwin, J.R.R. Tolkien: His Life and Works

Library of Great Authors
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Barron's Book Notes: The Hobbit & The Lord of the Rings

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Gregory Bassham (ed.), The Lord of the Rings and Philosophy

One Book to Rule Them All
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Gregory Bassham (ed), Der Herr der Ringe und die Philosophie

Klüger werden mit dem beliebtesten Buch der Welt
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Gregory Bassham (ed.), The Hobbit and Philosophy

Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series
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Alida Becker (ed.), A Tolkien Treasury - mini edition

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Alida Becker (ed.), The Tolkien Scrapbook

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James Stuart Bell, The Spiritual World of The Hobbit

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Bradley J. Birzer, J.R.R. Tolkien's Sanctifying Myth. Understanding Middle-earth

"Essential reading for all Tolkien enthusiasts"
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Andrew Blake, J.R.R. Tolkien: A Beginner's Guide

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Harold Bloom (ed.), J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. Modern Critical Interpretations

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Harold Bloom (red.), J.R.R. Tolkien. Modern Critical Views

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Randy Broecker, Fantasy of the 20th Century (15/6)

An Illustrated History
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Kurt Brunner and Jim Ware, Finding God in The Lord of the Rings

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Stratford Caldecott, The Power of the Ring

The Spiritual Vision Behind The Lord of the Rings
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Lin Carter, Tolkien: A Look Behind The Lord of the Rings. Ballantine, 1971

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Lin Carter, Tolkien: A Look Behind The Lord of the Rings. Ballantine, 1976

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Lin Carter, Tolkien: A Look Behind The Lord of the Rings. London, 2003

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Lin Carter, Tolkiens Universum

Die mythische Welt des Herr der Ringe
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Cristina Casagrande, Friendship in The Lord of the Rings

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Erica Challis (ed.), People's Guide to J.R.R. Tolkien

Cold Spring Press, 2004
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Erica Challis (ed.), More People's Guide to J.R.R. Tolkien

Cold Spring Press, 2005
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Jane Chance Nitzsche, Tolkien's Art

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Jane Chance, Tolkien's Art. A Mythology for England. Revised Edition

Kentucky, 2001
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Jane Chance, The Lord of the Rings: The Mythology of Power. Revised Edition


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Jane Chance and Alfred Siewers (ed.), Tolkien's Modern Middle Ages

The New Middle Ages
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Oronzo Cilli, Tolkien e l'Italia

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David Colbert, The Magical Worlds of The Lord of the Rings

A Treasury of Myths, Legends and Fascinating Facts
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David Colbert, The Magical Worlds of The Lord of the Rings. Puffin

A Treasury of Myths, Legends and Fascinating Facts
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Lisa Coutras, Tolkien's Theology of Beauty

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Patrick Curry, Defending Middle-earth. HarperCollins, 1998

Tolkien: Myth and Modernity
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Patrick Curry, Defending Middle-earth

Tolkien: Myth and Modernity
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Russell W. Dalton, Faith Journey through Fantasy Lands

A Christian Dialogue with Harry Potter, Star Wars and The Lord of the Rings
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Cath Filmer-Davies, Towards a Good Death: The Fantasy Fiction of C.S. Lewis

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Daniel Deleanu, A Logosophistic Cartography of His Mythopoeic Wor(l)ds

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Michaël Devaux (ed.), JRR Tolkien, l'effigie des Elfes

La Feuille de la Compagnie, no. 3
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Di Archer e.a., The Lord of the Rings. What the Bible say about themes of mission, power, wisdom and courage

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Robert Eaglestone (ed.), Reading The Lord of the Rings

New Writings on Tolkien's Classic
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Gracia Fay Ellwood, Good News from Tolkien's Middle-earth (1st edition)

Two Essays on the "Applicability" of The Lord of the Rings.
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Gracia Fay Ellwood, Good News from Tolkien's Middle-earth

Two Essays on the "Applicability" of The Lord of the Rings.
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Robert Ellwood, Frodo's Quest

Living the Myth in The Lord of the Rings
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Timothy Enloe, Testing the Limits of Subcreation

An Analysis of a Key Concept in the Writings of JRR Tolkien
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Robley Evans, J.R.R. Tolkien (UK)

Writers for the 70's
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