Mahmout Shelton, Alchemy in Middle-earth
The Significance of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings
Tom Shippey, The Road to Middle-earth. HarperCollins, 2005
Third, expanded edition.
(Shippey) Tolkien in the New Century
Essays in Honor of Tom Shippey
Greg Slingerland, A Teacher's Guide to The Hobbit
Isabelle Smadja, Le seigneur des anneaux ou la tentation du mal
Mark Eddy Smith, Tolkien's Ordinary Virtues
Exploring the Spiritual Themes of The Lord of the Rings
Christopher Snyder, The Making of Middle-earth (2013)
A New Look Inside the World of JRR Tolkien
Christopher Snyder, The Making of Middle-earth (2022)
The Worlds of Tolkien and The Lord of the Rings
Michael Stanton, Hobbits, Elves and Wizards (pb)
Exploring the wonders and worlds of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings
Catharine R. Stimpson, J.R.R. Tolkien
Columbia Essays on Modern Writers, number 41
Robert T Tally, JRR Tolkien's The Hobbit
Realizing History Through Fantasy
Anna Thayer, On Eagles' Wings
An Exploration of Eucatastrophy in Tolkien's Fantasy
Tolkien Studies 1
An Annual Scholarly Review
Tolkien Studies 2
An Annual Scholarly Review. Volume 2. 2005
Tolkien Studies 3
An Annual Scholarly Review. Volume 3. 2006
Tolkien Studies 4
An Annual Scholarly Review. Volume 4. 2007
Tolkien Studies 5
An Annual Scholarly Review
Tolkien Studies 8
An Annual Scholarly Review
Tolkien Studies 9
An Annual Scholarly Review
Matthew Townend, JRR Tolkien: A Very Short Introduction
Allan Turner, Translating Tolkien
Philological Elements in The Lord of the Rings
Mellie Uyldert, Symboliek van In de Ban van de Ring. 1974
Mellie Uyldert, Symboliek van In de Ban van de Ring. 1981
Chris Vaccaro (ed.), Tolkien and Alterity
Johan Vanhecke, In de Ban van de Hobbit
Leven en werk van Tolkien
Renée Vink, Gleanings from Tolkien's Garden
Steve Walker, The Power of Tolkien's Prose
Middle-earth Magical Style
Jennifer Warner, The History of Middle-earth
The Unofficial Guide to the Languages, People, and Books of Middle-earth.
Jim Ware, Finding God in The Hobbit
John G. West (ed.), Celebrating Middle-earth
The Lord of the Rings as a Defense of Western Civilisation
Liuwe Westra, Twa Tuorren yn Fryslân
In essay oer talen, oersettings en ferbylding
Elizabeth Whittingham, The Evolution of Tolkien's Mythology
A Study of the History of Middle-earth
Donald T. Williams, Mere Humanity
G.K. Chesterton, C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien on the Human Condition
Jamie Williamson, The Evoltution of Modern Fantasy
Colin Wilson, Tree by Tolkien (signed)
Ralph C. Wood, The Gospel According to Tolkien
Visions of the Kingdom in Middle-earth
Greg Wright, Tolkien in Perspective
Sifting the gold from the glitter
Rose A. Zimbardo and Neil D. Isaacs, Understanding The Lord of the Rings - hardback
The Best of Tolkien Criticism.
Rose A. Zimbardo and Neil D. Isaacs, Understanding The Lord of the Rings
The Best of Tolkien Criticism.