Walking Tree Publications


The Walking Tree Publishers is a volunteer-run association closely maintaining friendly links and co-operations with other Tolkien societies and interest groups throughout the world.

Our founding principle is a not-for-profit operation. Further to not paying dividends, the company does not pay salaries. All work is done by us in our free time — we all have demanding full-time jobs that we do on the side! This low-overhead approach allows the company to print very small numbers for niche products, as well as larger runs of interest to a greater audience.

Binding Them All

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on JRR Tolkien and His Works
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Roberto Arduini (ed.), The Broken Scythe

Death and Immortality in the Works of JRR Tolkien
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Roberto Arduini (ed.), Tolkien and Philosophy

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Roberto Arduini a.o. (ed.), Tolkien and the Classics

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José Boto, Law, Government, and Society in Tolkien's Works

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Nancy Bunting, The Gallant Edith Bratt

JRR Tolkien's Inspiration
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Liam Campbell, The Ecological Augury in the Works of JRR Tolkien

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Stratford Caldecott (ed.), Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings: Sources of Inspiration

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Janet Croft (ed.), "Something Has Gone Crack"

New Perspectives on JRR Tolkien in the Great War
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Patrick Curry, Deep Roots in a Time of Frost

Essays on Tolkien
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Julian Eilmann & Allan Turner, Tolkien's Poetry

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Julian Eilmann, J.R.R. Tolkien: Romanticist and Poet

Cormarë Series No. 36
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Julian Eilmann (ed.), Music in Tolkien's World and Beyond

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Fimi/Honegger (ed.), Sub-creating Arda

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Richard Gallant, Germanic Nordic Heroes, Courage, and Fate

Northern Narratives of Tolkien's Legendarium
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Christopher Garbowski, Recovery and Transcedence for the Contemporary Mythmaker

The Spiritual Dimension in the Works of J.R.R. Tolkien

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Margaret Hiley, The Loss and the Silence

Aspects of Modernism in the Works of C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien and Charles Williams
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Margaret Hiley and Frank Weinreich (ed.), Tolkien's Shorter Works

Essays of the Jena Conference 2007
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Thomas Honegger (ed.), Tolkien and Modernity 1

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Thomas Honegger (ed.), Tolkien and Modernity 2

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Thomas Honegger (ed.), Root and Branch: Approaches Towards Understanding Tolkien

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Thomas Honegger (ed.), News from the Shire and Beyond - Studies on Tolkien

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Thomas Honegger (ed.), Tolkien in Translation.


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Thomas Honegger (ed.), Translating Tolkien: Text and Film

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Thomas Honegger (ed.), Reconsidering Tolkien

Walking Tree Publication, 2005
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Thomas Honegger (ed.), From Peterborogh to Faëry

The Poetics and Mechanics of Secondary Worlds
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Thomas Honegger (ed.), Laughter in Middle-earth

Humour in and around the Works of JRR Tolkien
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Thomas Honegger, Tweaking Things a Little

Essays on the Epic Fantasy of JRR Tolkien and GRR Martin
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Judith Klinger (ed.), Sub-creating Middle-earth

Construction of Authorship and the Works of JRR Tolkien
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Barbara Kowalik, O What a Tangled Web

Tolkien and Medieval Literature. A View from Poland
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Adam Lam (ed.), How We Became Middle-earth

A Collection of Essays on The Lord of the Rings Movies
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Christopher MacLachlan, Tolkien and Wagner

The Ring and Der Ring
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Rainer Nagel, Hobbit Place-names

A Linguistic Excursion through the Shire
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Lukasz Neubauer (ed.), Middle-earth, or There and Back Again

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Lukasz Neubauer (ed.), The Songs of the Spheres

Lewis, Tolkien and the Overlapping Realms of Their Imagination
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Nuno Rodrigues (ed.), Nólé Hyarmenillo

An Anthology of Iberian Scholarship on Tolkien
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J.S. Ryan, Tolkien's View

Windows into his World
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J.S. Ryan, In the Nameless Wood

Explorations in the Philological Hnterland of Tolkien's Literary Creations
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Eduardo Segura (ed.), Myth and Magic

Art According to the Inklings
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Will Sherwood (ed.), The Romantic Spirit in the Works of JRR Tolkien

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Tom Shippey, Roots and Branches

Selected Papers on Tolkien
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Martin Simonson, The Lord of the Rings and the Western Narrative Tradition (27/2)

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Martin Simonson (ed.), Representations of Nature in Middle-earth

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Richard Sturch, Four Christian Fantasists.

A study in the fantastic writings of George MacDonald, Charles Williams, C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien
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Heidi Steimel (ed.), Music in Middle-earth

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Ross Smith, Inside Language

Linguistic and Aesthetic Theory in Tolkien
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Claudio Testi, Pagan Saints in Middle-earth

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Allan Turner (ed.), The Silmarillion - Thirty Years On

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