Smaug the Fire-Drake. Weta 4117
Radagast in Rhosgobel. Weta 4432
Available in May. You can pre-order
Radagast. 1/6 scale. Weta 4431
Available in May. You can pre-order
King Théoden on Snowmane. Weta 4335
Available March 2025. You can pre-order
King Aragorn. 1/6 scale. Weta 4326
Coronation Arwen. 1/6 scale. Weta
Saruman the White Classic Series
Saruman and the Fire of Orthanc. Exclusive
Gil-galad. Weta 4252. 1/6 scale
Frodo Baggins - Ringbearer. Weta 4156
Leaflock the Ent. Weta 4032. 1/6 scale
Fountain Guard of Gondor. Classic Series
Gandalf the White Classic Series
Lurtz, Hunter of Men. Classic Series
The Balrog 1/6 scale Classic Series
The Dark Lord Sauron. 1/6 scale
The Dead Marshes Master Collection
Thranduil on Throne Masters Collection
Saruman the White on his throne. 1/6 scale
Gandalf the Grey Pilgrim. 1/6 scale
Bilbo Baggins Classics Series. 1/6 scale
Bilbo Baggins at Bag End. 1/6 scale
Bifur the Dwarf 1.6 scale
Ringwraith of Mordor 1/6 scale
The Witch-king and Frodo at Weathertop. Weta 2853
Dol Guldur Orc Soldier 1/6 scale
Torturer of Dol Guldur 1/6 scale
Galadriel at the White Council. 1/6 scale classic
Tauriel of the Woodlands 1/6 scale