
Jewelry from The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers and The Return of the King movies, such as Arwens Evenstar, the Fellowship pin, Aragorn's ring and of course the One Ring

All this jewelry comes from reputable firms, all licensed by New Line Cinema. Each is an exact replica of the piece of jewelry worn in the Peter Jackson movie adaptation of The Lord of the Rings, such as the very popular pendant Arwen gives to Aragorn as a symbol of her love and immortality (both available in sterling silver and silverplated, with chain), the ring of Barahir which Aragorn wears and various versions of Sauron's ring of power, the One Ring to Rule them All.

Sterling silver means 92.5 % pure silver, the highest grade of silver you can get.

The Hobbit metal jewelry box (large)

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The Hobbit metal jewelry box (small)

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Lord of the Rings Jewelry box - square

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Lord of the Rings metal jewelry box (large)

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Lord of the Rings metal jewelry box (small)

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The Lord of the Rings jewelry box

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